Carmine Cosentino

Cell Phone +39 3386925803


Nationality: Italian

Born: Milan, March 30, 1965



2017 Master’s Degree in “Sciences of the Rehabilitative Health Professions” Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation of Milan University.

2014 1-Year University Master in “Health Systems, Traditional and Alternative Medicine” Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca, offered by the Department of Sociology and Social Research in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.

2013 1-Year University Master in “Ostheopathic Medicine”, Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.

2010 1-Year Postgraduate course in “Lymphedema Oncology”, Università degli Studi di Milano, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.

2009 2-Year Certificate as “Expert in Integrated Posturology A.I.R.O.P. (Italian Association for Occlusal-Postural Reeducation), held at the Scuola di Posturologia Integrata C.R.O.M.O.N. (Center for Holistic Research on Ostheopatic and Natural Medicine) sponsored by the Foundation L.U.Me.N.Oli.S. (Libera Universitas di Medicina Naturale ed Olistico Sistemica) – Rome.

1995 Diploma as an Emergency Medical Rescuer (3 months course), Ospedale Maggiore Di Milano.

1994 Maturità Tecnica (General High School), at the Istituto Tecnico F. di Stato G. Natta –  Milan.

1992 Certificate as Sport Masseur, course organized by the Lombardy section of the C.O.N.I. (Italian National Olympic Committee) held at the Italian Federation of Sport Medicine – Milano.

1985 Diploma in Massotherapy (Equivalent to the University Degree in Physiotherapy as per the Law D.M. n.741/1994), Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi – Milan.

1983 Professional Certificate as an Orthopedic and Hernial Technician (Equivalent to a University Diploma as Orthopedic Technician and University Degree in Orthopedic Techniques as per the Law D.M. 27 July 2000 – published in the G.U. 17 August 2000, n. 191. Centro di Formazione Professionale delle Arti Ausiliari delle Professioni Sanitarie – Milan.


(Update Courses, Congresses, Conventions and Seminars)


Work Experience

February 2014 – today

Physiotherapist, Posturologist, Orthopedic Technician (as Owner / Independent Professional).

Studio Cosentino (Seregno (MB), Italy).

Studio for Physiotherapy, Posturology, and Manual Therapy.

September 2013 – today

Physiotherapist, Posturologist, Orthopedic Technician (Independent Professional).

ASC Physiotherapy (Milan, Italy).

Studio for Physiotherapy, Posturology, and Manual Therapy.

16th June 2017

Visiting professor, as expert of the topic.

Degreee course in Orthoptics and Ophthalmological Assistance –Università degli Studi – Milan.

Elective course “Use of the stabilometric platform within equilibrium disorder of orthoptics interest”.

26th May 2017

Lecturer, as expert of the topic.

University master 1st level in Sanitary Systems, Traditional and Unconventional medicines.

Seminary “Human posture, evaluation with stabilometric platform”.

Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca – Milan.

01-30 April 2017

Collaborating fellow.

Participation, related to study and/of research protocol, to the systematic collection (electronic

database) of the data related to the autonomy and physical activity and nutritional feed-back of frail elderly people, patients of U.O.C. Geriatrics ofthe IRCCS Foundation Cà GrandaOspedale Maggiore.

Policlinico – Milan

January – February 2017

Took part in the recruitment of subjects for the OsteoFIT: a study for the assessment of effects of a

functional motor activity, suitable in patients diagnosed with osteoporosis, approved by the Ethics Commettee of Cà GrandaOspedale Maggiore Policlinic; activelyparticipating to the functional

evaluation near the multifunctional gym PoliFit (Padiglione Monteggia).

October 1998 –  July 2013

Massophysiotherapist, Posturologist, Orthopedic Technician.

Studio Medico Bassani – Milan

Medical Studio for Physical Therapy and rehabilitation.

Massophysiotherapist, Posturologist, Orthopedic Technician.

Independent Professional.


Instructor for Seminar “Back Pains – Prevention of Muscular-Skeletal Pain”.

Expert Italia – Milan.

Multinazionale elettrodomestici.

September 2002 – June 2004

Co-Instructor for Seminar in Biomedical and Natural Medicine, taught together with Dr. Luciano Bassani.

Università degli Studi di Milano, Department of Human Anatomy.

January 1990 – September 1998

Independent Professional in Massophysiotherapy and Orthopedic Rehabilitation.

June 1996 – October1997

Consultant and Instructor in Massage Techniques for Professional Update Courses.

A.M.R.L. (Associazione Massofisioterapisti – Massaggiatori Sportivi Regione Lombardia.



Fitness Centre CE.MAS.TRE c/o Club Francesco Conti – Milan.



Physioterapics Centre Pacini – Milan.

Polyspecialistic Centre – Physical therapy and Rehabilitation.


Sport Masseur

A.S. Aldini (Soccer Team) – Milan.



Scientific poster.


Authors: C.Cosentino, D.Mari, S.Diamanti(IRCCS Cà Granda Foundation, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico).

S.Simonetta, c.Favilli, G.Bernardelli, C. Roncaglione (Università degli Studi di Milano).

Abstract pubblication in congressional documents (Monographs SIGG) Italian Gerontology and Geriatric Society.


Personal traits and competencies

Languages: Italian (Native); English (Basic).

Well versed in dealing with patients, both in person and over the phone.

Very good interpersonal skills acquired also thanks to over 15 years of training and accompanying scuba divers and from participating in team sports.

Excellent organizational skills and of management of work, both individual and in team, especially in high-stress situations.

Throughout my professional training I have enhanced my compentencies in Posturology, Massophysiotherapy, Manual Lympho-Drainage, post-surgical and post-traumatic orthopedic rehabilitation, manual therapy / Ostheopathy, Instrumental Physical therapy, as well as in the ability to advise in the selection and use of orthopedic orthoses and supports.

Throughout the years of internships and professional work experience I have learned to identify and treat disorders of the Tonic Postural System, through testing and methods for the study of the postural dysfunctions.

I have also acquired expertise in instrumental analysis through the use of stabilometry.

Very good knowledge of Microsoft Windows and Macintosh operating systems.

Very good knowledge of MacIntosh applications.

Very good knowledge of Microsoft Office.

Good knowledge of HTML and website management.


Additional Information

Member of:

A.I.FI. (Italian Association of Physiotherapists).

A.I.U.G. (Italian Association of Gynecological Urology and of the Pelvic Floor).

CIES ITALIA (International Board for the Study of Statics – Italian Chapter).

S.I.G.G.(Italian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics).

Level B Driver’s License.

Military Service, released with the rank of Sergeant on 27/July/1986.

Expert Scuba diver (Level A) and Scuba Instructor P.A.D.I. – Licensed by F.I.P.S./C.M.A.S.

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                                                                                                                             Carmine Cosentino