28 november 2021 Certificate of participation in the advanced training course “Physiotherapy with ultrasound guidedorganized by the Provider Sinergia & Sviluppo srl in collaboration with the Training Project Sport & Medicine Atalanta B.C. – Bergamo

29 – 30 november 2019 Certificate of participation in the tenth clinical forensic traumatology conference – 17th Course in Orthopedics, Traumatology and Legal Medicine “Complications in orthopedics and traumatology – Clinical complications for legal medicine considerations and legal disputes” organized by Keep International Srl, at the Congress Palace- Salsomaggiore Terme (PR)

23 november 2019 Certificate of participation in the course “The foot-ankle complex: the appropriateness of the conservative and post-surgical rehabilitation intervention. Approach to new electromedical energies” at EdiAcademy – Milan

15 June 2019 Certificate of participation in the course “Tendinopathies: rehabilitation approach using last generation physical means” at EdiAcademy – Milan

01 -02 -03 March 2019  Certificate of participation to the II°International Congress of Clinical Posturology “Postural Dysfunction: how to be successful” held in Rome

2017 Certificate of participation to the 62° National congress of the Italian society of Gerontology and Geriatrics “ageing, scenery 2.0”. Held in Naples from November 29th to December 2nd.

2017 Certificate of participation “Interventions to promote physical activity for a healthy and active ageing” organized by IRCCS Cà Granda Foundation and held on November 17th at  Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico – Milan

2017 Certificate of participation in the advanced training course “Manual lymph drainage and elastocompressive therapy” Doctor Corda’s method; held on the 12-13-14th May, 8-9-10-11-30th June, 1-2nd July at EdiAcademy – Milan.

2017 Certificate of participation in the training event “The conservative therapy of perineal dysfunctions: pregnancy, childbirth and perineal dysfunction” held on 11 May at the Aula Magna Ospedale di Giussano – (MB)

07-08 October 2016 Certificate of participation in the postural laboratory “Receptors in comparison” in presence of Dr. B. Bricot, organized by Plantar Sistem and A.I.R.A.S. (Italian Association for Scientific Research), at Auditorium Hall – Croce Verde di Padova

28 September 2016 Certificate of participation in the conference “Valuation of the internship, student’s and tutor’s viewpoint”, at Aula Devoto, Clinica del Lavoro Hall by the IRCCS Policlinico of Milan Foundation

24 September 2016 certificate of participation in the training event “Back goes to school … First rules to respect it”, organized by A.I.Fi. (Italian Association of Physiotherapists) at Hotel ABACUS Sesto San Giovanni – Milan

11 March 2016 Certificate of participation in the conference ” AFA DAYS: Physical Activity Adapted for Life ” at the University of Pavia – educational Polo Campus Aquae – Pavia

06 February Certificate of participation in ” Physical Activity and Nutrition conference: how to counter the fragility in the elderly people”, at Aula Devoto, Clinica del Lavoro Fondazione IRCCS Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico – Milan

21 November 2015 Certificate for participation in the event ” Stiffness: which is the role in the Movement System? The concept of rigidity in the clinical practice of the physiotherapist” organized by Sinergia & Sviluppo, at Aula Magna of the University of Milano Bicocca – Monza

30 June 2015 Certificate for participation in the training course “SAS Enterprise Guide 1: query and reporting, organized by SAS Institute at the University of Milan

07- 08 November 2014 Certificate of Participation in the 2nd Master Class “Course Advanced Hands on pelvic rehabilitation for bladder dysfunction, bowel and pelvic organ prolapse” Maggiore Hospital – Crema

19-20 September 2014 Certificate of participation to the course “Pregnancy, Childbirth and perineal dysfunction” and “Rehabilitation techniques in the prevention and treatment of ante and post-partum pelvic floor dysfunction”, Hospital of Giussano – (MB)

2014 Certificate of participation to the course “Nutrition, inflammatory symptoms, related and differential diagnosis in physiotherapy” held on the 6th of September, organized by A.I.Fi.(Italian Association of Physiotherapists) at the Convention center of the Antares Hotel Paderno Dugnano – Milan

2014 Certificate of participation to the FAD course “Thermotherapy, claims and therapeutic advantages in musculoskeletal pain” organized by A.I.Fi.(Italian Association of Physiotherapists) on the 15th of September

21-22 November 2013 Advanced Training Course in “Postural Reprogramming”, Congress Center in the Hotel Mirage of Paderno Dugnano – Milan

26-27 April 2013 Certificate of Attendance: ” 2° IFSPS International Congress of Stabilometry & Posturology”, Centro Congressi Laguna Palace Venice

4-6 October 2012 Certificate of Attendance to the National Convention “Posture – the modern approach of mind, body and gravity” organized by the Training Agency Forma, which took place at the Sheraton Milan – Malpensa

16 June 2012 Certificate of Attendance to the course “Tecar therapy – manual and instrumental approach to the diseases of the shoulder” held by FISgroup, MediSpa – Milan

9 June 2012 Certificate of Attendance to the International Congress Ediacademy “Muscle and Tendon Injuries of the lower limb in Sport. Prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, return to the field”, held by Edi.Ermes, Congress Center NH Milanofiori – Assago

15 May 2012 Certificate of Attendance: Course on “Stabilometry and Vision” held by Sprintit, at the Congress Centre” A. Luciani “- Padova,

5 May 2012 Certificate of Attendance: Course “Cervical syndromes: the rehabilitative approach “, held by Biomedia, at Italian Diagnostic Center – Milan

28 January 2012 Introductory seminar to Posturology “Super Vision and Super Sport Performance “, held by Plantar System under the patronage of Italian-CIES (International Board for the Study of Statiustics) and A.R.I.A.S. (Italian Association for Research and Scientific Update), held at the Convention Center Hotel Mirage Paderno Dugnano – Milan

18-20 November 2011 Certificate of Attendance: CourseonManual Therapy “Strain Counterstrain – Pelvic”, held at the Jones Institute Europe – Milan

14-16 October 2011 Certificate of Attendance to the Course: “The Global Postural Re-programming – Advanced Module – Dr. B. Bricot “held by Marrapese Publisher, at the Hotel Villa Eur, Parco dei Pini – Rome

24 September 2011 Certificate of Attendance: Course on Tecartherapy – Application in lombosciatica “held by FISgroup at MediSpa – Milan

11 June 2011 Certificate of Attendance to the International Congress Ediacademy “Prevention, Rehabilitation and Recovery of ‘athlete from injury to return to the field” held by Edi.Ermes, at the Atahotel Expo Fiera – Pero Milan

12 February 2011 Updating course “New lessons in the method of Dr. B. Bricot”, organized by Plantar Sistem under the patronage of Italian-CIES (International College for the Study of Statics), held at the Hotel De La Gare – Bologna

29 January 2011 Certificate of Attendance to the “Day of Podalic Posturology” held at the Hotel of the Region -Monza

11 December 2011 Certificate of Attendance to the Day of Study “The Lymphedema Live: clinical cases in comparison” held at the Foundation IRCCS National Cancer Institute – Milan

23 October 2010 Certificate of Attendance to the Congress “Sports and Tennis Medicine: Learning and Performance – Comparison of the sports doctor, the technician, the Physical Trainer, and the Physical Therapist”, organized by the Italian Federation of Sports Medicine – Piedmont Regional Committee, held at the Palace of the Province – Cuneo

20-22 November 2009 Certificate of Attendance: Course on “Strain Counterstrain 1-Rachide” held at the Jones Institute Europe – Milan

14-16 May and 16-18 June 2009 Certificate of Attendance: Course “Evaluation and Manual Therapy of the Assymetry of the Region Cervico-Mandibular Cranium” held at the C.R.O.M.O.N (Holistic Research Center for Natural Medicine and Osteophaty) – Rome

28. March 2009 Certificate of Attendance: Course on Posturometry presented by AXA – Vimercate

13-14 December 2008 Course on instrumental physical therapy: “Scenar 2nd Level” organized by Fast Therapy at the Rege Hotel – San Donato Milanese – Milan

4-5 July 2008 Certificate of Attendance “1°International Congress on the FASCIA” – Boston 2007” DVD Replay held at the C.R.O.M.O.N. (Holistic Research Center for Natural Medicine and Osteophaty)

24.November 2007 Certificate of Attendance: VIII National Multidisciplinary congress “Posture and occlusion” with the support of the Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza 1° Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Master in Posturology and SIOF (Italian Society of Forensic Dentistry), held at the Hotel Villa Eur Parco dei Pini – Rome

20 October 2007 Certificate of Attendance Course on instrumental physical therapy: “Scenar 1st Level” organized by Fast Therapy at CEMES – Padova

8 September 2007 Certificate of Attendance: Course on Bioelectric Postural Analysis, held at the European society for Medical Applications – Milan

23-25 March 2007 Certificate of Attendance “Low Back Pain Initiative”, organized by the Università degli Studi di Milano, research Center in Medical Bioclimatology – held at Bagno di Romagna Terme

10-12 November 2006 Certificate of Attendance to the Course “Global Postural Reprogramming 1st Level – dr. B. Bricot” held at the CIES-Italy (International College of the Study of Statics) – Turin

12 October 2004 Course on Instrumental Physical therapy, held at the PratC Medical – Bologna

16-17 June and 15-16 September 2001 Course on technical manual therapy “Mulligan Concept” organized by Med Master at the Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi – Milan

10-11 November 2001 Course Pancafit 1st and 2nd Level held at the Studio Sport 2000 – Milan

24-25 February 2001 Course on Auriculotherapy held at the Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi – Milan

19-20 April 1997 Course on Miofascial Massage, held at the Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi – Milan

27-28 May 1996 Course on Peripheral Manipulation using the “Mcn Mennell 2” Method, held at the Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi – Milan

23-24 April and 7-8 May 1994 Course on manual lymphatic drainage using the “Dr. Vodder” Method, held at the Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi – Milan

22-23 January and 12-13 February 1994 Course on Peripheral Manipulation using the “Mcn Mennell 1” Method, held at the Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi – Milan

26 September 1992 Certificate of Attendance: International Meeting on the Pathologies of the Locomotive Apparatus – Muscular Injuries in Athletes, organized by the Collège Européen De Traumatologie Du Sport in Abano Terme

21-29 November 1992 Certificate of Attendance “Course on Passive Manipulation Induced through Respiration – Zilgrei Method” held at the offices of Dr. Dott. H. Greissing Chiropratica Conciliazione – Milan

1992 Certificate of Attendance: course on Manual Lymphatic Drainage (3 months course) held at the Beauty Center of Milan

5-6 April 1990 Certificate of Attendance: Study Seminar “Man in the Various Phases ofLlife – Disability and Rehabilitation” organized by the Associazione Uffici Studi e Documentazione – Federazione Italiana Operatori Sanitari – Fisos Lombardy region, held at the Hotel Leonardo da Vinci – Milan

1989 Course on Connective Reflex Massage held at the Centro Italiano Riflessologia Fitgerald – Milan

1984 Course as Massage Instructor (one semester duration) held at the Associazione ProfessionaleMassofisioterapisti e Massaggiatori Sportivi Lombardy Region – Milan

